The commercial products we offer are the result of a continuous research on what our co-workers test and agree commercially with the manufacturers all over the world.
Our know-how is the fruit of years of work; in this period of time we have had several contacts with the manufacturing companies.
The automotive sector based on the Green Emotion, as well as the technologies related to it, are widely expanding. Our commercial proposal will be steadily growing by adding new models to the ones we are proposing now.
The following list contains a pre view of some models we are testing, which have been recently imported; few pieces of these models are present in Italy at the moment. These models will be soon marketed.
Our commercial proposals are divided into four categories, depending on their features and application:
•E-Move (scooter with electric motor, remote controlled skate board)
•Electric bicycles (three types of electric bicycles from a more classical version to a definitely sports model)
•Electric scooters (four versions, different in power and design)
•Electric cars (several versions from the more well-known Czero, Twizzy to the less famous but equally important models EV02, EV03, and many others).